Using notes to quickly capture the essence of an idea
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Quickly capture the essence of a new idea

In this video I walk you through an example showing how I quickly the essence of a new idea, so that I can come back to it later when I have more time.

Sometimes I come across a novel idea or new concept that I’m unfamiliar with, and recognise that it’s something I should spend some time getting to grips with. But even though I’m interested in the idea and know that it’s important, I’m busy with something else and either don’t have the time or the bandwidth to deal with it in the moment.

How do you capture the essence of the idea, with a few resources, some notes, and enough structure that when you come back to it later, you have enough to get started on it immediately?

Build an academic note-taking system to get ideas out of your mind, providing a framework for working more effectively with them.


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