You know what the important work is. You just need to protect your time to enable you to do it.
I’m sure you have a list of things that are important to you. You know the projects that would a) move your career forward, b) satisfy institutional priorities, and c) be enjoyable. But if that’s the case, then why is it so hard to move those projects forward?
One of the reasons is that we put these projects off until we have the time to do them. We focus our most productive time of the day to clearing our email inboxes, attending meetings, and writing reports. And so the PhD proposal, article, or promotion application all sit in the drawer, waiting for the time when you’ve cleared the decks. But the reality is that you’ll never clear the decks (Burkeman, 2014)1.
You need to make a conscious decision to create space in your daily schedule for the important, valuable, and creative work that will drive your career forward.
By choosing a schedule that starts with the space you need for fulfilling and engaging academic work, you’re making a commitment to yourself and your academic career.
While this choice to protect your time may temporarily inconvenience others – especially those who rely on you to solve their problems – it also means that you’re prioritising self-care and sustainable approaches to work. And that’s good for everyone.
- Burkeman, O. (2014, July 5). This column will change your life: precrastination. The Guardian.
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