Use the time between meetings

Build admin tasks into the time between meetings.

Use the time between meetings to make notes and list the tasks that arose that you’ll need to complete. And maybe even start working on those tasks.

I used to schedule back-to-back meetings, thinking that I was making the best use of my time. I was worried that the ‘dead time’ between meetings wasn’t really enough to get anything substantial done. So whenever I had a couple of minutes between meetings I’d find myself checking email or, even worse, social media.

But if you intentionally plan just 10 minutes of time between meetings, you can use that time effectively.

You can use this time for a range of admin-related activities, including:

  • Summarise your meeting notes
  • Schedule follow-up meetings
  • Create a list of tasks that are your responsibility to complete

And if you don’t have 10 minutes between meetings, a quick audio recording of the main points and tasks that emerged also works well. You can even do this as you walk between venues, or while waiting for everyone to join the next meeting.

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