Strategy drives outcomes

If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading.

Lao Tzu

Your current approach to work is going to keep delivering the same results because strategy drives outcomes.

  • If you don’t have time now, you’re not going to have time later.
  • If you haven’t made progress on that article over the last few months, you’re not going to make progress in the next few months.

You can’t hope for different outcomes without a change in how you plan your days and weeks.

  • If you feel like you can’t get on top of your inbox, you need to do something different in how you approach email.
  • If you want to fit more writing into your day, you need to do something different in how you approach writing.
  • If you want to run more effective meetings, you need to run your meetings differently.

Without a change in workflow, things will stay the same. If you want your outcomes to change, then your habits, routines, and workflow need to change. Your strategy drives your outcomes.

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