“In the knowledge sector…decisions about organizing and executing work are largely left up to individuals to figure out on their own. Companies might standardize the software that their employees use, but systems for assigning, managing, organizing, collaborating on, and ultimately executing tasks are typically left up to each individual.” – Cal Newport
Moving beyond equating teaching with telling, this post explores how academics can design learning spaces that encourage active thinking. Learn practical strategies for creating environments where students engage deeply with ideas, transforming passive listening into active learning while making your teaching more sustainable and fulfilling.
Academic metrics like the h-index can drive unhealthy behaviours and distance us from our core purpose as scholars. While these traditional academic metrics provide comfortable validation, creating meaningful impact often requires looking beyond citation counts to measure how our work benefits real people outside academia.
Discover how embracing academic productivity through quality over quantity can transform your work life. Instead of constantly expanding workloads, learn to focus on meaningful impact, sustainable practices, and deeper connections. Doing less, but doing it better, can lead to more valuable academic outcomes.
Most academics make the mistake of scheduling work first and trying to fit life around it. Discover why reversing this approach is key to achieving better academic work life balance. Learn how prioritising personal commitments in your schedule can lead to more focused and productive work hours.
Scholarship Reconsidered by Ernest Boyer challenges the narrow focus on research in academia, proposing a more inclusive framework that values discovery, integration, application, and teaching. This seminal work reshapes faculty roles, advocating for diverse forms of scholarly work to enhance higher education’s impact beyond traditional research.
Breaking the cycle of using academic breaks to catch up on work? Create a “do not do” list instead of a to-do list. Learn how to maintain academic work-life balance during breaks by setting clear boundaries, avoiding work email, and embracing genuine rest without guilt. Your future self will thank you.
Accountability partnerships can transform your academic career from a solitary journey into a shared path of growth and achievement. Learn how to establish effective academic accountability partnerships, from choosing the right partner to creating structured check-ins that honour both visible outputs and invisible scholarly work, helping you maintain momentum and reach your goals.