Category: Writing
Using Obsidian for academic writing
In this video I explain how I use Obsidian to support and enhance my process of academic writing and creative idea generation.
Ideal habits and routines
Just because you know what works, doesn’t mean that nothing else will work. Remember that the ideal routine is not the only routine.
Make writing enjoyable
Everyone loves the product, but you have to love the process too. Try to create a workflow that makes writing enjoyable.
Academics should blog
Academic blogging is a great way of sharing your work in public, articulating your ideas, and start building a reputation.
Writing regularly changes what you pay attention to
I often find my attention being hijacked by whatever happens to show up in my feed. And in the moment, that content may very well be interesting. The problem is that so much information can be interesting while still having relatively little value. When I’ve set aside 1-2 hours of writing time every day, my attention…
Write so that you can’t be misunderstood
If you’re like me, you probably spend a lot of your writing time trying to persuade; trying to convince the reader of some point or another. You’re intent on making sure the reader understands you. And this is fine. However, when you’re done writing to be understood, you could try editing your work with the…
You must read a lot, and write a lot
Read extensively and write regularly to become a better academic writer. Consuming diverse content builds skills, while consistent practice makes the writing process more intuitive. Developing these habits can help you produce high-quality work more efficiently and with less stress.
The first draft isn’t the final product
It’s worth noting that the first draft isn’t the final product. It’s the raw material you’ll shape into something better.
Reduce the friction of writing
The lower your barrier to getting started, the more writing you can fit into your day. We’ve all experienced that resistance to sitting down and putting pen to paper or fingers to keyboard. Even when you know you need to write, it can feel mentally draining to summon the willpower and concentration you need to…
Publish or perish is the wrong choice
Academics face a misleading “publish or perish” dichotomy, risking lower quality work and unfair demands on those unable to publish frequently. Hard work can coincide with joy, challenging the necessity of this binary. Alternative career goals encourage a balanced approach, promoting both productivity and well-being in academia.
Writing is the work
I used to think that ‘writing up your results’ was something you do after the real work is done. But writing is the work.
Knowing your audience
Good writing is knowing where to position the text in relation to the reader. In other words, good writing is about knowing what your reader is looking for.