Academic career development.

Academic Career Development

Describe your paradigm

Define your mission

Master your craft

Build your networks

Take care of yourself

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If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading.

Lao Tzu

Direction is more important than speed. If your career is moving in the right direction, you will reach your destination eventually. But, moving quickly in the wrong direction just makes the problem worse. So it’s worth spending time, maybe even a lot of time, reflecting on what you want your academic career development to look like.

Increased productivity for its own sake won’t necessarily satisfy you, especially if you’re not convinced the work you’re doing has real value. Which is why this course is about high-impact, long-term academic career development in the service of pressing problems. It’s about setting priorities that will move you closer to a career that has a positive impact in the world.

Aim and objectives

Develop a deeper understanding of your working context as a starting point for creating a sustainable and meaningful academic career development plan.

The objectives of this course are to:

  1. Describe your working context.
  2. Identify a pressing problem to focus your career on.
  3. Build routines that help master your craft.
  4. Strategically position yourself within professional networks.
  5. Embed self-care into your career development.

Course overview

Describe your paradigm Define your mission Master your craft Build your networks Take care of yourself Summary