Tag: academic career development

  • Tony Fadell: Build

    Build, by Tony Fadell, combines career insights and product innovation advice from the creator of the iPod and Nest thermostat. His book provides a blueprint for high-impact career choices, iterative development, and leadership, making it valuable for anyone interested in innovative design or who is looking for a radical perspective on academic career development.

  • Beyond research: Understanding the four types of scholarship in academia

    Many academics feel pressured to pursue traditional research careers, but scholarship encompasses more than just research. Boyer’s model describes four distinct areas: discovery, integration, application, and teaching. By understanding these different types of scholarship, academics can build more fulfilling careers that align with their natural strengths.

  • Navigate career uncertainty with low-risk experiments

    When you’re uncertain about a career choice you need to make, run small, low-cost, low-stakes experiments to generate more information that you can use to reduce uncertainty.

  • Cal Newport: So good they can’t ignore you

    In So Good They Can’t Ignore You, Cal Newport argues that true career satisfaction comes from building rare, valuable skills rather than “following your passion.” For academics, focusing on skill development rather than elusive passions fosters control, mission, and fulfillment in higher education careers, where impact and autonomy matter most.