Tag: distraction

  • Lazy productivity

    A productivity approach where you tailor your environment so that the easiest, most natural action aligns with your goals. By doing so, even when taking the path of least resistance, it contributes to your overall objectives.

  • When information is cheap, attention is expensive

    When information is cheap, attention becomes expensive. James Gleick (2011). The Information. We work in an information-rich environment but this abundance isn’t useful when it mainly serves to distract us.

  • We move from one interruption to the next

    Most days, most of the time, most academics are bouncing around from one interruption to the next. We’re losing our ability to focus attention for extended periods on the work that matters. You need to protect time for focused, uninterrupted periods of focus.

  • Device ‘notifications’ are really ‘interruptions’

    Instead of trying to manage “notifications”, the better approach is to manage “interruptions”. Start by taking an audit of the notifications on your devices and ruthlessly eliminate anything that isn’t essential. Then be intentional about setting boundaries around when and how you’ll allow your focus to be interrupted.