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Just say ‘No’ to new projects
Avoid the temptation to accept every invitation to work on something interesting. Just say no (or, at least, not yet). Academia thrives on a spirit of collaboration and contribution. We’re constantly invited to participate in presentations, grant proposals, committees, service activities, and so on. While saying yes fosters connection and advancement, the incessant pressure to contribute…
Goal-driven motivation: Writing when you don’t feel like it
Goal-driven motivation is the incentive to do something I know is valuable when I don’t feel like doing it at all.
Start before you’re ready
Procrastination often stems from waiting for perfect conditions before starting important work. This waiting usually complicates things further. The truth is, starting immediately, with whatever resources are currently available, is advisable. Embarking on a task before feeling completely ready enables progress and refinement along the way.
Jason Fried and David Hansson (2010) Rework
Rework by Jason Fried and David Hansson challenges conventional approaches to work and management, advocating for a minimalist, practical mindset. By focusing on essential tasks, rejecting unnecessary meetings, and embracing constraints, the book empowers readers to maximise productivity and create a sustainable, impact-driven work culture.